Viticulture Studies 2024, Vol 4, Num, 2     (Pages: 009-019)

The Role of Environmental Factors and Plant Growth Regulators on Grapes Coloration

Raed S. Shehata 1

1 Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and land reclamation, Damanhour, Egypt DOI : 10.52001/vis.2024.24.9.19 Viewed : 1221 - Downloaded : 461 Grapevine is the world's commercial horticulture crop. Poor coloration of grapes is one of the problems in grape production. Climate changes could negatively affect grape quality by reducing color formation. The effect of high temperatures on anthocyanin content and composition in the main red-producing grapes would help estimate their phenotypic change and perhaps predict whether they will be able to sustain the attributes of high-quality grapes in the context of climate change. Climate changes played an important role in lack sufficient berry color especially high temperature inhibited L-phenylalanineammonialyase (PAL). L-phenylalanineammonialyase improved accumulation of anthocyanin in the skin of grape berries. Environmental factors like light, temperature and irrigation are effective in either grapes coloration or discoloration. Plant growth regulators like Brassinosteroids (BRs), Jasmonic acid (JA), Salicylic acid (SA) and Abscisic acid (ABA) are accelerating the accumulation of anthocyanin in grapes berry skin. So it is very important to know how grapes coloration, the effect of plant growth regulators and environmental factors on grapes coloration. Keywords : Grapes coloration Environmental factors Plant growth regulators Anthocyanin